The Shire was an Australia reality show/drama which debuted on Network Ten on the 16th of July 2012, created and produced by Shine Australia. It was later made available on Hulu in the United States for streaming.
The series follows the events of a group of young Australians that work and live in and around the Sutherland Shire in Sydney Australia.
Inspired by the American TV show The Hills, Shine Australia (the creators) envisioned the series to be a reality show version of Australian classic and Internationally successful popular soap opera Home and Away. The final episode aired in Australia on Monday the 10th September 2012.
Where was The Shire TV series filmed?
The Shire TV series was filmed in a number of Sutherland Shire suburbs including Cronulla, Sutherland, Taren Point, Miranda, Kirrawee and Barden Ridge.
How many seasons of the Shire are there?
There was only one season of the Shire TV series produced, which originally aired in 2012.
The Shire TV Cast
- Simon
- Gabrielle
- Michelle
- Sophie
- Vernesa
- Kerry
- Tegan
- Mat
- Folksy
- Beckaa
- Tony
- Kris and Stace
- Joel “Rif-Raf”
- Megan
- Nikee
- Michael
- Michelka
The Shire Controversy
Before the show aired, it came to light that many of the characters did not actually live in the Shire, and the ‘edgy’ show content would portray the Sutherland Shire in a negative light. This caused a lot of uproar in the community, with some people even starting a petition to have the show banned. The Sutherland Shire Council also spoke out against the show, saying it would give the area a bad reputation.
Despite all the controversy, The Shire ended up being a ratings success for Network Ten. It was one of their most popular shows of 2012 and was quickly snapped up by Hulu for streaming in the United States.